About Us
Green Star Families of America is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization created to provide assistance to those grieving any military loss through suicide. We include all family members and all branches of service.
Servicemen and women demonstrate the greatest resolve and service to our country by joining the armed forces. Some may have seen combat and some not. Although there are those who were fortunate enough to make it home alive, the battle continues. Active duty servicemen and women work in demanding conditions all over the globe under immense pressure constantly. Separated veterans transition to civilian life adjusting to the lack of camaraderie and pride in mission accomplishment. Whether a combat veteran, active duty serviceman or woman, or transitioned veteran, mental health issues continue to plague our veterans.
In the military, servicemen and women are conditioned to seize the initiative, find a way to win, and accomplish the mission as a team. Asking for help is often perceived as a sign of weakness or a vulnerability to the team. This is why veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or struggling with mental health issues suffer in silence until it is too late. Suicide continues to be the second highest cause of catastrophic deaths to veterans today. What can we do to prevent veteran suicide? What can we do for the family the veteran has left behind?
The mission of Green Star Family of America is to create and cultivate a space where both veterans and surviving families can access therapies, treatment programs, and other counseling resources that will allow them to heal from any grief, afflictions, or mental hardships stemming from military service; and to honor and remember our fallen heroes.
To raise awareness of mental health issues in the military, establish a network for healing, and provide information, resources, and support to active duty military, veterans, and their families who suffer from grief and mental hardships stemming from military service.

How We Started
It is estimated that 22 veterans die by suicide daily. Matthew Cahill has lost several friends and now a family member to veteran suicide. Although he already owns and operates the nonprofit organization Veteran Equine Therapy Specialists (VETS) to provide therapy to veterans struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) he also saw a need for those immediate family members who are directly affected by the loss of their veteran.
Matt started Green Star Families of America in March 2020 by gathering friends, family members, fellow veterans and other volunteers who are passionate about assisting families affected by veteran suicide. Our goal is to be a nationally recognized resource for therapy, funeral funds, and eventually scholarship and other financial assistance for families who have lost their veteran to suicide.

What We Do
Green Star Families of America is an organization for family members who have lost their veteran to suicide. We hope to provide resources at the national level for therapy, funeral funds and other financial assistance such as scholarships for children of veterans who have died by suicide.
Our organization is currently working to get legislation passed to recognize the Green Star Flag as an official designation for families affected by veteran suicide. Eventually we hope to be part of national legislation recognizing Green Star Families as an organization similar to Blue and Gold Star Families.