Our Board

Matt Cahill

Matt Cahill

Executive Director

Sergeant First Class Matthew Cahill (retired) served 26 years as a Medic in the Army and is a rated disabled Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran. Matthew is deeply passionate about doing whatever is necessary to end the suicides that plague the Veteran community and providing treatment to those that suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Matthew has lost too many friends to suicide and has started a nonprofit called Veteran Equine Therapy Specialists (VETS). He believes in this form of therapy and is also in graduate school to attain a degree in social work. Although Matthew's main goal is to prevent veteran suicide and be a resource to those struggling to adapt, Green Star Families of America is about aiding those most affected by the loss of their soldiers – immediate family members.

Rich Cassey

Executive Operations Director

Richard has a combined 33 years of service between the Army, Navy and National Guard. He has experience in training and overseeing military operations, specifically in emergency and tactical situations. Richard has also held several positions at his local VFW post, including Post Surgeon and Former Post Commander. He has organized several fundraising events, including raising thousands of dollars for Alpha Bravo Canine and a yearly fundraiser for a local family with a disabled child. Richard volunteers for Youth Ice Hockey and has coaching experience. Richard comes to Green Star Families with a passion for volunteerism and experience in successful fundraising

Rich Cassey
Missy Singer

Melissa Singer

Executive Admin Director

Melissa is a 28-year Veteran who served full-time in the Pennsylvania ArmyNational Guard as a Senior Human Resources Non-commissioned Officer.She retired in August 2020 and continues to serve the military community asan advisor for service members, Veterans, and their families who reside withinthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. She travels to various parts of the stateto meet and advise military leadership and individuals of the benefits theyhave earned during their service to our country.

Melissa also began an organization within her community that providesassistance to struggling Veterans. Over the course of five years she hasassisted individuals during financial struggles, home maintenance and repairs,and organized several fundraisers to support Veterans during the holidays.Melissa served in two overseas combat tours and has seen the long termeffects among her brothers and sisters in arms and at times losing those closeto her to suicide. She is passionate about our program and is driven tosupport suicide prevention. However, when that can not be achieved, sheremains compassionate, ensuring the surviving family members receive thecare and benefits as a result of their unfortunate loss.

Since her retirement, she has continued to pursue her degree in HumanResource Management and is expected to graduate in late 2023.

Stephanie Ortegae


As a dedicated and detail-oriented accounting professional, Stephanie Ortegae has been meeting the accounting needs of corporations and individuals for the past 25 years since graduating from West Chester University with her bachelor’s degree in Accounting in 1994. A Chubb Insurance employee for the last 18 years, she is currently a Manager in the Global Finance Department specializing in multinational insurance. Stephanie got her start in the accounting field at The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia immediately after graduating college and has continuously worked her entire career for well-known companies such as The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The Law Offices of Cozen O’Connor. She looks forward to applying her skills on the board of Green Star Families of America.

Stephanie Ortegae
Emma Roesner

Emma Roesner

Deputy Director, Executive Secretary

Emma is a graduate of Temple University who worked as an emergency department nurse at Cooper University Hospital for 2 years. She has since moved on to be an IT analyst for Cooper but maintains her nursing licenses in PA and NJ. She has also earned her master’s degree in Health Informatics. As of December 2018, she has been an active-duty army wife. Her husband is currently serving in the Army and has been stationed at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio TX, and Fort Bragg NC. She is passionate about preventing veteran suicide and assisting families who have experienced this loss, and has several family members previously or currently serving.

Tim Rexer

Information Technology Manager

Tim is a graduate of Drexel and Wilkes Universities. He completed his Masters in Information Systems at Drexel after serving active duty in the Marine Corps out of San Diego. He is currently an Engineering Manager at Reliance Matrix after working for Fortune 100 companies & multiple startups. He brings experience in multiple areas of technology to Green Star Families. His passion for working with Green Star Families comes from serving with veterans with health illnesses after deployments.

Tim Rexer
Emma Roesner

Mark Adams

Grant/Fundraising Manager

Staff Sergeant Mark Adams began his military career in the U.S. Air Force, USAF Honor Guard in Washington, D.C. He subsequently joined the PA Army National Guard serving 17 years, primarily as an Apache Attack Helicopter crewman. He retired in 2021 with 20 years of service. He has been deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom two times, most recently to Afghanistan in 2012-2013. Mark is honored to be a member of the Green Star Families of America Organization and has a goal of working to support families of service members who have died from suicide. Mark has been a high school special education teacher for 22 plus years and is currently working on his Doctoral degree at Lehigh University with an expected graduation in Spring of 2027.